--Have [ Y O U ] ever...
Gone skiing?: nope
Drank so much you passed out?: nope
Worn glasses that weren't yours?: yup
Smoked a cigar?: yup...fake
Eaten any truly weird foods?: yup...vegetables
Been to England?: nope
Been to Italy?: nope
Been to Candy Mountain?: ya....in my dreams
Had a crush on a celebrity?: nope
Watched infomercials because they were interesting?: huh?
Bought something off of Ebay?: nope
Kissed someone under mistletoe that you didn't know?: nope
Googled the word: wat word...f- - k...nope
Met someone in person that you met online?: nope
--Would you do it for [ 1 o o ] dollars?
Kiss a cockroach?: nope
Walk into an IHOP and try to order a Whopper?: huh?
Shoot yourself in the arm with a nail gun?: tht would be so cool
Run around a mall in a giant green dinosaur suit?: why would i
Eat an entire container of Lucas in one shot?: huh?
Snort a worm?: well i would squish it 4 10 dollars
Let someone with fangs bite you on the neck?: yes!!!
Run into a brick wall face-first at full force?: nope
Fake your own bloody torture and execution?: huh?
Sit on glass for an hour?: depends
Ride an ostrich?: yup....tried tht b4....it was blinfolded
--[ S P I L L ] the beans time.
How many times have you gotten drunk?: 6 542 times
Have you ever ran into something with a vehicle and driven away?: don drive
Are you still a virgin?: i am no pussy
Have you ever dressed extravagantly to get another person's attention?: nope
What's the most extreme thing you've done at a party?: errr......eat?
Have you ever let someone grope you who you didn't know?: wats grope
If someone offered you something expensive for sex, would you do it?: nope
How would you react if your best friend died today?: cry?
Have you ever gone past making out while in public?: nope....single
Which would you choose: death by fire ants or death by fire pit?: fire pit
Have you ever told a lie that affected you for years after?: nope
What's the most disgusting habit you've ever had?: i don hv 1....digging my nose....jus kiddin
Have you ever lost a best friend because of something you did?: i don no
Would you wear a revealing costume to a party to get a guy's attention?: nope
Would you say that you fall in love easy?: nope
What's the worst thing happening to the world right now, in your opinion?: exams!!!
How do you feel about atheists?: huh?
Have you ever been a chain smoker?: nope
If you could change one thing in your past, what would you change?: errr.....my mistakes??
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Saturday, March 14, 2009
Posted by dhivya at 8:33 AM
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